Our world....

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A bad accident

Poor Leanna. Yesterday we went to the park to play after dinner. Damien was holding Leanna and slipped and fell. Leanna's chin landed on a balance beam. Blood was everywhere and she was screaming. We took her straight to the emergency room. Her lower teeth are all still there but are in a strange shape. Zig Zag. After X-Rays they thought she fractured her jaw in two places. The oral surgeon they called told them to send us home for the night and come in the morning. We saw the oral surgeon this morning who said (without looking or seeing any X-rays) that he doubted she had any fractures because it is so difficult to fracture a jaw of a child that age. We are going in later this afternoon for a CT scan to determine exactly what happended. Meanwhile she can hardly sleep, both sides of her face or swollen, and is basically miserable. She hasn't eaten anything since last night, which she ended up throwing up anyways because she swallowed SO MUCH blood. We won't know anything about the CT scan untill tommorow. I will post again then.


At 2:25 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Poor, poor Leanna! Thinking lots of the poor thing. Hugs and kisses to her. ( Lots of them!)

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Billie said...

Oh no! I really hope Leanna is feeling better soon. Keep us posted on how it goes. Thinking of you!


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